Mainframe to Cloud Series #1 of 2
Migration Capabilities of Microsoft Azure We'll explain the mainframe migration capabilities of Azure
Mainframe to Cloud Series #2 of 2
Migration Capabilities of AWS In this series, we'll explain the mainframe migration capabilities of AWS.
Streamlining your ISV products and saving costs
We'll explain how you can streamline your non application products on your mainframe.
Saving MIPS Series #1 of 3 - Identifying workload consumption footprint
We'll explain how you can inittially find, expensive workload, and identify it's footprint.
Saving MIPS Series #2 of 3 - Workload Pricing
We'll explain how the mainframe workload pricing works. Which will help you reduce your peak consumption and your cost.
Saving MIPS Series #3 of 3 - Workload Reduction Strategies
We'll explain possible areas on how to optimize or streamline your workload, to effectively reduce cost
IDAA on z/OS
IDAA z/OS in a docker containenr